2024-05-21 15:00In order to ensure the correct installation of the diaphragm coupling diaphragm, a dial indicator can be used to detect the outer circle and end face of the installation plate. The runout of the outer circle and end face should not be greater than 0.05mm. For outer circle diameters greater than 250mm or for tapered holes, the For the installation plate, the end face is allowed to be 0.08mm under the condition of runout.
The diaphragm of the disc elastic coupling has a corrugated axial cross-section, high elasticity, and good compensation performance.The thickness of the diaphragm can be equal or unequal. The single-piece hyperbolic type has better performance and is currently used in many applications.The normal operation of the disc coupling does not require maintenance. However, it is recommended to conduct the following inspections every six months. The main inspection contents are as follows: whether the connecting bolts and nuts are loose and tighten again according to the installation requirements;Observe whether there are bruises, cracks, excessive deformation and other defects on the outer surface of the diaphragm component. If there is any problem, replace it immediately;Whether there are obvious scratches on the surface of the bolt mating section that transmits torque;Check whether the unit shaft alignment has changed. If it exceeds the specification, the alignment should be adjusted again;When disassembling the diaphragm elastic coupling, care should be taken to protect the surface of the diaphragm to prevent damage;Replace accessories. If the diaphragm assembly or fasteners are found to be damaged, accessories should be replaced in time;During monitoring, the vibration value of the unit can be measured during the operation of the unit. If the vibration value exceeds the vibration intensity range, the machine should be stopped to check the cause and eliminate it.