2024-05-29 15:00The importance of installation and maintenance of universal couplings:
1.When installing the cross axle universal coupling, first check the distribution error of the flange bolt holes, the error of the stopper and end face connection size and the coaxiality error of the universal-joint coupling according to the requirements of the drawing. Also pay attention to the layout orientation and original phase. In principle, both ends of the coupling can be used as active shafts, but it is important to keep the spline mating as far away from the vibration source or impact source as possible.
2. Fasteners such as bolts and nuts should meet the requirements of mechanical performance grade. When tightening nuts, a little adhesive can be injected into the threads. After running under load for one shift, check whether the bolts are loose and tighten them again with the standard preventive tightening torque. Repeat this for two shifts to prevent loosening.
3.Universal cardan shafts coupling bearings and spline pairs need to be lubricated regularly, generally using No. 2 industrial lithium-based grease, but under high temperature conditions, No. 3 or 4 calcium-based grease is suitable, and No. 4 synthetic lithium-based grease can also be used. At the beginning, oil once a month within three months. After the working conditions stabilize, oil once every three months, and oil once a week under high temperature conditions.
4.Universal joints couplings should be maintained regularly, usually after half a year of operation. The specific time depends on the conditions of use. If abnormal sounds, vibrations, oil leakage or other abnormal conditions are found during operation, the machine should be stopped for inspection and timely processing.
5.In order to increase the service life of the universal coupling, adjust it 180 degrees each time it is disassembled so that the cross shaft journals are used alternately.